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Secret Diary of 37 1/2

みぃな1/2@eiken 2-kyu no eigo nikki


Infoseekの辞書/@nifty:Global gate

目次 (総目次)   [次の10件を表示]   表紙

2002-09-18 ABC com News - Safety in a Box?
2002-09-14 Seventh Heaven (ABC.com), etc.
2002-08-02 Sheep replace lawn mowers on river bank
2002-07-28 TOEIC.....
2002-07-28 TOEIC....(奇怪翻訳)
2002-07-21 (a) Men and Women are basically same but they speak different language.
2002-07-21 (a) Men and Women are basically same but they speak different language.
2002-07-20 Cindy Lauper: Time after Time
2002-07-07 Men and Women - You just don't understand!
2002-07-06 Proof of Life (from CNN's news)

2002-09-18 ABC com News - Safety in a Box?

I have decided to watch one news clip from ABC com and BBC's world news via internet.


This news was about a "black box" installed in a car driven by a teenage driver. This box is a kind of computer which records every seconds of the driving. When the driver does something wrong (driving above speed limit, etc.), the box beeps and, also, the parents can monitor his driving at home.

The teenager doesn't like the "box" very much, but for parents, who know the teenage bravado can be lethal, want to install the "box".

The device goes on sale nationwide in November for about $280.

つっこみ 先頭 表紙

21QM2q / spdxxkbiws ( 2012-07-27 19:37 )

2002-09-14 Seventh Heaven (ABC.com), etc.

I have instlled "RealONE" player and been watching ABC.com (I paid $4.99)


This video was very intersting and quite easy to understand. This video was about a 34 yr old man who has climbed 7 summits of mountains which are the highest of continents. He is among the 100 or more climbers who have succeeded in such attempt but he is the only blind person among them.


Looking up dictionary

pos・it [pzit]
━━ vt. 置く; 【論】仮定する; 自明のこととみなす.

━━ n. 仮定.

つっこみ 先頭 表紙

2002-08-02 Sheep replace lawn mowers on river bank


Izumiotsu, Osaka

trial: mid Apr - mid July
2 sheep worked the weed

5 yrs old rams/graze 700 sq.meter

proved effective - weeds/can grow as tall as 60cm

cost cut by 50%

cared by local senior citizens

keep river bank neat → amount of litter fell sharply

people visit - healing effect

upon next site selection - sheep start mowing again

*sheep shelter
*riverbank fenced
*local have to be willing to take care



bovid ウシ科の
ru・mi・nant[C] 反芻動物 (牛・ヒツジ・ヤギなど).

つっこみ 先頭 表紙

2002-07-28 TOEIC.....


I tried to write this in English from the beginning but it was quite difficult. So I started to write in Japanese, the I felt like writing in English.


I started preparation on -- according to my digging -- July 21th, did I? I was going to buy Longman Preparation Series for the TOEICTest : Advanced Course (English for Business Success Series). This book was recommended by my teacher. But I hesitated to buy it because it was published in 1996.

Too old.

I noticed that the topic dealt in the actual test was quite trend-conscious. For example...example....why I cannot recall the contents of the test! I vaguely remember that there was an office memorandum sent by Email (the format of the memo was same as Outlook Express). ← Of course I know that using Email is not a new idea... still, I think if I use a comparatively old book, I cannot catch up with the trend of the test.

The test was harder than I expected. Maybe I should better try the mock exam. The pressureof the time constraint was severer than I expected . And the "marksheet" -- I hate marksheet. Marking it tidily is very difficult.

During the weekday, I focused on grammar exercise. Thanks to the school, I found reading section was not so difficult, although I kept on make silly careless mistakes as usual. I have been good at grammar. My problem is I cannot utilize such knowledge when I speak or write.


The above books are quite good and I enjoyed the tasks. When I was younger and studying was my duty I did not feel like that. That is because I am motivated more and because what required for TOEIC is more interesting than what was required for "eiken" ten years ago.

I was going to borrow my husband's wristwatch but I forgot . I seldom wear it and it is OK if I have my mobile phone. But in TOEIC test, use of mobile phone is not permitted. They check if the power supply of the phone was cut off.

つっこみ 先頭 表紙

五万円以上の宝くじが当たる星座、一位は山羊座 / あたしは山羊座 ( 2002-08-04 11:22 )
bovid...ウシ科....(nifty globalgateで判明) / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 10:39 )
…bovidってなんじゃらほい? / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 10:37 )
"constant battle: my western need vs. Japanese expectation / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 10:24 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?ek20020802a1.htm 国際結婚の話 予め日本に馴染んだ上で結婚するのと、結婚してはじめて結婚する場合ではずいぶん違うよう。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 10:23 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fl20020804a1.htm / 花火 ( 2002-08-04 09:36 )
Tokyo Confidential 面白い....週刊誌立ち読みしてる時間ないけど、立ち読みしたら読むような記事ばかり。http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fd20020804tc.htm#4 ← コンビニ万引き/殺人犯の物語 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 09:16 )
scorcher焼け付くように暑い日 The day was a scorcher. / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 09:05 )
cagey 臆病な 引っ込み思案の / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 09:02 )
よく見かける「買い物依存症」の記事…マニキュア、テレビショッピング、PC。熱狂的趣味人というよりは純粋な所有権に対する望みによって駆り立てられてる。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-08-04 08:58 )
throes1 激痛, ひどい苦しみ, 苦悶・ one's [the] death 〜 死の苦しみ, 断末魔.2 陣痛.3 苦闘, 激しい努力 〔of〕 / Spa!の記事を読みながら ( 2002-08-04 08:47 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fd20020804tc.htm / スパ!の記事 ( 2002-08-04 08:44 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20020802b8.htm / 草刈りひつじさん... ( 2002-08-04 08:36 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20020802b1.htm / 冬生まれと宝くじ ( 2002-08-04 07:55 )
http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/04/books/review/04KENDALT.html?8bu / バランシーンとストラビンスキー ( 2002-08-04 07:20 )
言いたい事を言う。読みたいものを読む。最高の贅沢の一つかも。言いたい事を言う自体は諸刃の剣だから、怖いけど / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-28 22:15 )
英語日記の本はあちらこちらで見かける。流行ってるんでしょうな。言いたい事を書く能力が欲しいって言うのは基本かもしれない。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-28 22:10 )
日記として書き下ろした英文。取りあえずなんでもやってみる。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-28 22:09 )

2002-07-28 TOEIC....(奇怪翻訳)







平日に、私は文法練習に集中しました。学校のおかげで、私は、通常のように私はReading Sectionはそれほど困難ではないことを知りました。いつも通り愚かな不注意な誤りを維持しましたが。私は文法が上手でした。私の問題は、話すか書く場合、私がそのような知識を利用することができないということです。荒竹出版『TOEIC超攻略法』ASIN/487043129旺文社『TOEICテスト860点攻略本』ASIN/401093414X、上記の本は全くよい。また、私はタスクを楽しみました。より若く、勉強が私の義務だった時、私はそのように感じませんでした。それは私がもっと動機づけられるからそしてTOEICで要求される英語力の内容が10年前に「eiken」のために必要になったものより面白いからです。


つっこみ 先頭 表紙

2002-07-21 (a) Men and Women are basically same but they speak different language.


(a) Men and Women are basically same but they speak different language.

I am not quite with the idea that the difference between the people are decided by the gender. But that is true men and women tend to have different conversational styles.

I recently found an example when I joined a web diary writers' group. My first diary was responded to by two commentators. The first commentator referred to the way I wrote the diary and guessed about my personality. The comment was followed by a chatty exchange of comments from me and others. The second commentator referred to the gist of the topic, asserted his opinion and questioned me about several points. It was harder for me to respond to than the first one, but I enjoyed this comparatively serious exchange.

I do not think they are basically different. They are interested in what other people say and can exchange comments from their own standpoints. Some people are not/cannnot do such things and the reason why is not connected with the gender

But in this example, I notice their conversational styles are different and maybe one of the reasons is the gender they belong to. The first commentator's interest in personality was the style which may be taught in the "Sensitivity Training" and can be regarded as a female conversational style. The second commentator's "focused to the point" assertiveness was the style which may be taught by "Assertiveness Training" and can be regarded a male conversational style. So I must admit there exists such difference, though I have lower priority over such differences.

先頭 表紙

2冊借りて来たTOEICの本...両方当たりみたい 荒竹出版『TOEIC超攻略法』ASIN/487043129 旺文社『TOEICテスト860点攻略本』ASIN/401093414X / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-23 21:04 )
別の所で...やっぱり男と女は違うなあ、でも、個人差の部分もあるなあ...と。ぐるぐる考えてます。再提出までしばらくあるから、も一度書き直すか。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 22:54 )
あ、6/26に投稿したの突っ込めないし...タグはfontしか効かないのね(涙) / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 15:59 )
図書館でTOEICの問題集を借りてくる....これで勉強するか。28日まで頑張ろう、おぅ! / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 11:22 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fd20020721tc.htm ← 日本の雑誌記事の英訳 下世話で面白い... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 07:56 )
始めてだよ ↓ それとwhat others "say"が抜けてた ↑ 本文  / もう寝よう ( 2002-07-21 01:08 )
しかしこの例に出会えたのは有り難い事でした。ひまじん初めて良かったなあ.... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 01:03 )
取りあえず、あたしの頭の中には男と女の違いを余り取り立てて言いたくないと言う気持ちが強くあって、書き直す前の結論部分はそれに引きずられて破綻しておりました。このコメントをくれたせんせはそういうことを見のがさない方で.... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 01:02 )
"This part does not follow from the details you have given. Your example is a very good one of how "conversational styles" differ but what conclusions or generalizations can you make from these about male female conversational style?In short great beginning but your conclusions needs work. / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 01:00 )
イタリックの部分は直せといわれた。"awkward reference. rewrite in simpler grammar"といわれ....でも出来なくて、長くなってしまった。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 00:42 )

2002-07-21 (a) Men and Women are basically same but they speak different language.

(a) 男性と女性は基本的に同じです。しかし、彼らは異なる言語を話します。






先頭 表紙

いつまで続くか分からないし、ツッコミに困るような異常な暴走状態が続きそうですが、自分のしたいようにやる。それが一番。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 01:04 )
確かな事は英語を使う事への自分でも得体がしれない執着.... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 00:47 )
昔翻訳者を夢見たこともありました...(遠い目) でも向いてないみたいで。っていうか、好きじゃないかも。自分のコトバが中途半端だから。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 00:46 )
アラだらけっす。でも自分の書いたものを振り返るのには機械翻訳という「他」の目を通すのは非常に良いみたいです。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 00:44 )
取りあえずニフで奇怪翻訳....文字数超えちゃったので分割 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-21 00:40 )

2002-07-20 Cindy Lauper: Time after Time

On Saturday morning, I usually listen to music and sing along.
This morning I felt like to dictate the lyric.

37 1/2:
Time in my bed is a closet can thinkg of you
All thing
confusion that nothing new

flashback gone dives
almost left me cry
suitcase of memory
time after


Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
And think of you
Caught up in circles confusion -
Is nothing new
Flashback - warm nights -
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories,
Time after



先頭 表紙

ふーん、日付前の日記(6/7)足すと新着に載るんだ。でも表示は7/20と。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 22:15 )
さて、エッセイを打ち直さんとな....(しかしこのツッコミっていうのは素晴らしいシステムだ) / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 21:21 )
勉強に使うのなら良いものと...有り難い事だ / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:55 )
 ↓ are only for internal or educational usage http://www.musiclinks.nl/ / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:55 )
The Lyrics / songtekst / songtexte Time After Time - Cindy Lauper / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:53 )
ああそうだ、エッセイ返ってきたんだ...書き直せって... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:50 )
......翻訳は正解もわたくしも同じくらい可笑しい / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:48 )
Dictationて結局音を聞き分けて覚えて再現する事で...バカには辛いなあ。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:45 )
TとLが聞き分けられてませんね。CとWも駄目ですね。語尾のS落してますね。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-20 09:43 )

2002-07-07 Men and Women - You just don't understand!

This week's homework is to decide which I choose from the below and write an essay which explains the reason why.

How do you think of the cause of the female/male discommunication:

(a) Men and women are basically same but they speak different language.

(b) Men and women are speak the same language but deep down they are basically different.

I have chosen (a).

I was a bit amazed when Hana-san asked me about my gender because I was assigned this homework and was thinking about this gender issue.

I think that I tend to show too much emotion in many occasions. I do not like this tendency very much so I sometimes try to suppress my emotion when I am writing as much as possible. This attitude may have made her wonder about my gender and she would like to find out the truth because she has delicate sensitivity and was interested in my personality.

On the other hand, Kuchigurumadaio-san assert very sharp comments but he did not mention about my gender. What he was interested in most seemed to assert his opinion.

They are interested in my diary. At that point they are basically the same. And I liked both of their ways showing their respective interests using different "language." But I think that some women who is as assertive as Kuchiguruma-san, and some men are as sensitive as Hana-san. It is true that assertiveness and Sensitivity are the facts often used to distinguish men and women, but still I think the basic deep down is the same.



(a) 男性と女性は基本的に同じ。しかし、彼らは異なる言語を話す。
(b) 男性と女性は同じ言語を話すが、深層では基本的に異なる。




先頭 表紙

復習せねば、と思っていたら気がついたらブリジット・ジョーンズの日記2冊一気読んでいるわたくし。軽くて面白かったが、いまいち / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-19 04:46 )
期末試験...読みとリスニングはまあまあだったんだけど。Dictation52点て何。苦苦。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-19 04:45 )
バタバタして...見事な三日坊主ですな。残業続きとプロバイダがHPのアドレスかえたあおりで英語の頭が動きません。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-19 04:44 )
あたしは突っ込みの数にはあまり重きを置きたくなくて(気がつくと意識してるけど)。傍観してくれてて、時々ちらっと存在わかるお客さまがいいにゃあ。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-11 21:11 )
兄や1/2さま♪ いや、そんなことないですて....この下のツッコミを観たらだれも書き込めないと思う。かなり煮詰まってたわたくし。あれから大幅に改編して無事に提出しました。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-11 21:10 )
もしかして邪魔者登場で開設以来からのお客様が書きづらくなってる? 私は本文にはあえて突っ込まないので、みなさんがぺしっと突っ込もうね。 / 兄や 1/2 ( 2002-07-09 21:38 )
和訳、直し切れてない。特に結論部分....いいたい事が自分でも分かってない。ううう。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:51 )
でも、書くのは楽しい♪ / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:47 )
上記は思い込みというか、感情的な妄想がかなり入ってて。第一印象で衝動的に書くと、どうもホントの所が見えないわたくし... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:46 )
実はひまじん一度落伍してまして...自意識過剰だったと思う。今回も自意識は過剰。感情過多。カッコ付け過ぎ。分かった上で、それでも書きたくなってる。試行錯誤... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:44 )
表の場所に出るヒトリゴトは所詮自己正当化、言い訳。でも、楽しみたい。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:42 )
何をしたいんだろう、自分...って、そればっかり。見苦しい。まあ、いいか。どういう風にこの原形質を描き直せるか。(すでにヒトリゴト...) / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:42 )
取りあえず書き直さんとな... / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-08 06:03 )
明日から少し忙しくなるので、あまり出て来れませんし、そもそもこんなことやってどうよ...とか思うんですが、しばらく続けてみようかと思います。突っ込んで下さってる方、傍観して下さってる方、ありがとうございます。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 23:36 )
ネタにさせて頂いているけれど、実際提出する時はもう少しぼかします...でも、ほんと面白い事に...ひまじんて面白い / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 23:34 )
......というわけで、下書きです。ぼろだらけ。まあ、日記だし。丸出し。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 23:32 )

2002-07-06 Proof of Life (from CNN's news)

The video we watched on April 17th was about "Proof of Life," an action thriller movie starring Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe. The plot of the movie involved negotiations with terrorists for the rescue of a kidnapped person. The movie was filmed in Ecuador, where a coup d'état occurred during the shooting of the movie. Russell played a professional negotiator and Meg played the wife of the kidnapped person. Through the process of the negotiations, they gradually fell in love.

Besides the security problems caused by the unstable political situation, there were problems with stalking paparazzi who wanted to gather information about Meg and Russell, who reportedly romantically involved like the couple in the movie. Russell, who has never been engaged or married, expressed his annoyance about the paparazzi in his interview. He felt that, if his engagement or marriage was published before he decided, his possible joy would be stolen. Meg, who recently experienced a divorce, said in her interview that she thought that paparazzi's coverage of her life made her life oversimplified. She felt as if she had bugs in her hair when she thought that people had untrue information about her. She had a gross feeling because people can speak whatever they choose about her and people tend to believe the worst information.

先頭 表紙

名前悩み氏、わはは、帯分数が正解よ。元ネタが一応あるの....児童書なんだが。名前。はなさまのおかげで定着しました。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 16:55 )
兄や 1/2 さま まあ、性別はね。何だっていいんですよ。男前な女性好きですし。ニューハーフ。いいなあ。でも、自分と違う性別になろうとする努力がニューハーフの基本だから。それはわたくしにはない資質ですね。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 16:53 )
なんか拙くて...苦苦。でも、それでいいことにします。背伸び出来ませんので。今日は割と余裕があるので、ちゃんと返してますが、出来ない時は出来ないと思う(平日は仕事がありますので)...今日は拙いながらも出来て幸せ。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 16:50 )
口車大王さま♪ I 'd say the Meg's remark you quoted is "female" common sense rather than "international" common sense. As I said below, she is, as an American woman, keeping some portion more than Japanese women, but I seems to me that many Japanese women feels like her. The attitudes of the "paparazzis" and "readers" is similar to their counterparts in Japan. Your comment reminded me of this week's homework. Today's topic will be the "homework." / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 16:48 )
まあぼうさま 書き込みありがとうございます。実はわたくしも10年ぶりの英語学校...再開するまでは色々葛藤がありまして。でもやりたい事をやるための道具が英語だからと。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 16:07 )
帯分数説が正しいとすると、正確には明日だね〜。おめでとう! / 兄や 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 15:46 )
英語は脳が拒否をする…ううっ 1/2半分かぁ〜それは…言う意味だよね?きっと… / ココ見つけて名前変えようか又悩む…爆 ( 2002-07-07 14:44 )
みぃな様性別問題…1/2というくらいだから「にゅーはーふ」では? / 私もなんか言われたしおあいこよ〜ほほほ ( 2002-07-07 13:38 )
I mentioned "people can speak whatever they choose about her and people tend to believe the worst information. " for the international common sense. How do you think? / 口車大王 ( 2002-07-07 12:39 )
いちお、英語の学校行ったけど10年経つと(イヤ・・・勉強しなかっただけだが)サッパリ分からん(笑) / まあぼう ( 2002-07-07 12:25 )
International common sense...American people's attitude toward personal relationship is not same as Japanese. They seems to be very frank and casual, but deep inside, they are keeping some portion to themselves more than Japanese. / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 06:46 )
口車大王さま cause...I often mistype this word. Thank you for your proof of li.... your proofreading. I like your digging because you are a reader who is careful and at the same time interested in the contents. / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 06:39 )
http://www.zakzak.co.jp/midnight/hollywood/backnumber/R/001211-R.html ← こういう「パパラッチ」な報道、読む方は面白がってスキャンダラスな事を信じてしまいがちだけど、言われる方にも言い分もあって、それがこのニュースでした。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 06:34 )
はなさま♪ じゃあ、みぃなは男ということで。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-07 06:28 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fl20020707a1.htm / 37 1/2(これは七夕) ( 2002-07-07 06:21 )
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fd20020707pb.htm / 37 1/2 今日はこれ読もうかな ( 2002-07-07 06:20 )
で、結局みぃな様は男の方? / はな ( 2002-07-07 00:59 )
やや、オモシロそうな映画。観てないな、コレ。生存証明だっけ?←という事だけしか解らなかった・・・ぷっしゅ〜★ / はな ( 2002-07-07 00:59 )
A TYPO! "casued" on the first line of the second paragraph might be "caused". The second pragraph describes international common sense for people other than Japanese. Interesting! / 口車大王 ( 2002-07-06 23:37 )
うぐぅ...ひまじん重い。はなさまのところは明日伺おう。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-06 23:04 )
この映画は見ていないのですが...ちょっと興味が湧きました。 / 37 1/2 ( 2002-07-06 22:53 )

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